Monday, 19 December 2016

My first semester at university


I realise I haven’t blogged for nearly 2 months and I apologise for that! I became very busy at university and was sadly left with not much time to blog.

However I’ve now finished my first semester of university and I would like to share what my experience has been like with you!

Like everyone I had many mixed feelings and all the typical worries about starting university. Starting university was a BIG moment for me, I was living away from home for the first time and I was about to become more independent than I’ve ever been before. However after coming back home for Christmas, I can honestly tell you my first semester at university has been amazing!

Within a couple of weeks I had completed settled into my new life at university and I’ve loved every minute of it. It’s been such a great experience for me and after being there for 3 months I’ve made so many great memories!

One of my biggest worries about starting university was making friends, as I can sometimes feel nervous about meeting new people for the first time. That worry soon faded away and I’ve got an amazing bunch of friends and we’ve shared so many laughs between us all. The girls I’m friends with we all first met when we all sat together during the first few weeks of university and we’ve stuck together ever since. We go out for lunch and we’ve been on several hilarious nights together.

Another great memory from this semester was joining my university’s cheerleading squad. As soon as I found the cheerleading society at Fresher’s fair I signed up straight away and it’s been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. Whilst I’m new and a beginner at cheerleading I really enjoy it and I always enjoy going along to practice (we’re currently training for the NATIONALS in March, exciting times!). As well as practices we also go out and have a social night once a week. I’ve always enjoyed the cheerleading social nights as they are usually themed and they are always hilarious nights out. Not only am I lucky to be a member of the cheerleading team, but I’m even more lucky to be on a team with the most supportive and lovely girls I’ve ever met, I’m really proud to be part of the team.

As well as the fun and social side of university, I’ve also had to adjust to the academic side of university. My course is different from your typical degree because as well as studying for a degree, I’m also training to be a primary teacher. After 3 years, I’m hoping I’ll achieve my QTS and I’ll become a qualified primary school teacher. I’ll admit that a lot of hard work and effort is required, however it’s worth it and it makes me determined to become the best teacher that I can be!

Over these past 3 months I feel like I’ve grown and developed even more as a person and my journey is still carrying on. I look forward to returning to university in the New Year and to continue with my adventures.

PS: My lovely blogger friend Steph has also finished her first term at university as well. You can read all about her experience HERE

Have you started university recently? What’s your experience of university been like so far? 


A Beautiful Chaos said...

I'm so happy to have you back to blogging and I'm so glad to hear you are enjoying uni so far, it makes me so happy and I hope it continues xx

Severina said...

Thank you so much Nicole! I hope my adventures at uni continue as well xx

. said...

University sounds like it's so much fun! I'm still in sixth form, but I love hearing about people's time at uni because it seems everyone has such very different experiences. The cheerleading team sounds like so much fun though!